Monday, June 23, 2008

Cthulu Hat

Hat base:

Cast on 100 sts on dpns. K1 P1 for one inch. K all for 4 more inches.

Crown decrease:

Round 1 and all odd rounds: knit all

Round 2: *k8, k2tog,* repeat around

Round 4: *k7, k2tog,* repeat around

Round 6: *k6, k2tog,* repeat around

Round 8: *k5, k2tog,* repeat around

Round 10: *k4, k2tog,* repeat around

Round 12: *k3, k2tog,* repeat around

Round 14: *k2, k2tog,* repeat around

Round 16: *k1, k2tog,* repeat around

Round 18: *k2tog* repeat around

Cut yarn and pull through remaining stitches. Weave in ends.


Pick up 2 stitches on front of hat with dpn. Knit 2, then slide the stitches to the other end of the needle. K2, slide to other end of needle. Repeat until desired length, cut yarn and pull through remaining stitches. Weave in ends.


Pick up 10 stitches vertically on the back of the hat.

Row 1: k2 p2 k2 p2 k2

Row 2: p2 k2 p2 k2 p2

Row 3: k2 p2 yo k2 yo p2 k2

Row 4: p2 k3 p2 k3 p2

Row 5: k2 p3 yo k2 yo p3 k2

Row 6: p2 k4 p2 k4 p2

Row 7: k2 p4 yo k2 yo p4 k2

Row 8: p2 k5 p2 k5 p2

Row 9: cast off 2, p4, k2, p4, cast off 2

Row 10: cast off 2, k2, p2, k2, cast off 2

Row 11: cast off 2, k2, cast off 2

Row 12: cast off all

Weave in ends.